Witam serdecznie :)
Dziś mam dla Was kartkę malowaną - dawno nie bawiłam się farbami ;) Na bazie neutralnego kolorystycznie papieru (ważne tylko, by miał odpowiednią gramaturę i dobrze współpracował z mediami), który pokryłam lekko gesso i dodałam zembossowany bezbarwnym pudrem stemplowany motyw. Potem stemple gałązki, farby akrylowe, ecoliny i mgiełki oraz brokatowa Maya Gold, którą pokryłam tekturkę LemonCraft, i lekko uzupełniłam tło. Do tego kwiaty, tiul, mikrokulki i kryształki i potuszowane lekko brzegi.
Today I have a painted card for you - I played with paints long ago ;) Card is based on neutral color paper (It's important that the paper had the proper paper weight and worked well with the media), which I covered with gesso and added stamp embossed with a colorless powder. Then stmps - twigs, acrylic paints, ecoline, sprays and glitter Maya Gold (I covered with them LemonCraft die cut and added a little bit of background. And then - flowers, tulle, microspheres and crystals. And distress ink on the edges.

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Today I have a painted card for you - I played with paints long ago ;) Card is based on neutral color paper (It's important that the paper had the proper paper weight and worked well with the media), which I covered with gesso and added stamp embossed with a colorless powder. Then stmps - twigs, acrylic paints, ecoline, sprays and glitter Maya Gold (I covered with them LemonCraft die cut and added a little bit of background. And then - flowers, tulle, microspheres and crystals. And distress ink on the edges.
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Śliczna kartka :o)
cudnie zmediowana :)
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